Welcome to My Word of the Week…


Spent today in my brand new office setting up the space, and decided that I’d use this cute little message board to pick a word of the week. I’ll do this every Monday and share it with you all. It’s my way of setting an intention for the week ahead.

Will you join me? I hope you’ll use my word as your own personal mantra for the week, or if mine doesn’t “speak” to your current situation, come up with your own. Think about your word throughout the week and what it means to you, and where it can help guide you in life. Have it written down, 

even if on a napkin or sticky note, put it on your mirror, or computer monitor at work so you see it regularly! I’m including a photo of my desk so you can see where mine is located!

I’ll post a little about what the word means to me, and I ask you to comment below what the word will mean for you this week (even if you pick a different word for yourself). This will help you manifest this

intention out into the universe for a bigger payoff.

My first word of the week is “Dream”. I chose it because I’m following my dream of building a business from the ground up, my dream of helping people love themselves, and a reminder to myself to dream big! There are no limits to your dreams and I want to encourage others, not just clients but friends and family as well, to not limit your dream potential! Don’t let self doubt cloud the one limitless part of your psyche… dream as big as your mind can go!

What does “dream” mean to you?
