Some Daily Gratitude

While preparing for my office move, I hit Office Depot for a few supplies, and picked up this little Daily Gratitude Journal. I’m not gonna lie… I’ve tried to use these before, and I do OK for awhile, and then just eventually stop. So I’ve made it a rule for myself that I must complete an

entry each day I’m at the office, before I can leave for the day. On day 4, and I’ve kept it up so far. They say it takes 2 weeks to form a habit, but I think I’m already hooked! I’m already looking forward to my daily entry. I keep it short and sweet, one sentence, and pick one thing that I am grateful for in my life. Lately, it’s been hard to only pick one thing! #notcomplaining!

I do this because I can so easily think of so many things that I’m NOT happy with in my life at all times, and we manifest what we project into the universe. So even if just once, as a daily reminder to find gratitude, I will find something each day to honor the life and opportunities that I’ve been given. I’ve also been using my #youngliving essential oil #gratitude, and finding it easier to focus on the good over the bad.

I also know there will come a day where I struggle to find even one thing I’m feeling grateful for. On that day, I’ll use this journal to do a quick read through of the blessings I’ve been grateful for in recent days, and hopefully it will bring me back to a place of appreciation.

Do you use a gratitude journal? Like, do you really use one? Do you take at least one moment of each day to think about things you’re grateful for in life?