The Universe Has Your Back
I’ve only recently discovered Gabrielle Bernstein, author of The Universe Has Your Back, among others. She’s really amazing and inspirational, and I find her work to be authentic and easy to read.
I am in the process of reading the book now, and I decided to pick up the accompanying card set. There are 52 cards in the deck, so I’ve decided to choose a random card for each week of the year to reflect and journal on, as well as share with all of you.
It’s already working because the first card I randomly chose definitely pertains to what I’m going through at this moment, today in particular. It says, “True healing occurs when I give myself permission to feel whatever feelings live below the triggers.”
Boy, did that one hit home for me today, as my morning challenged me with triggers and feelings that were upsetting and overwhelming. I was mostly upset that feeling this way meant that I had taken some sort of backslide in my recent progress. Reflecting on this card today made me realize that I cannot heal from these feelings if I don’t allow myself the permission to feel them and properly process them.
Please think about that in your life when you feel emotions you’d rather ignore, suppress or deny. It may bring out sides of you that you’d rather hide, and it may make you feel things you’d rather avoid. But in doing so, you’re not allowing yourself to walk the path of healing and the right to live authentically. Dirt under the rug doesn’t mean you have a clean floor. It’s still there. Hiding. Waiting for the rug to be lifted.
Love you all.