2020 Word of the Year
For the past two years, I have participated in the practice of choosing a word of the year. This word would be my single most important guidepost to keep me on the right path when I needed to avoid losing focus. It was a way for me to set my intention of where I needed the most help, attention, and improvement in the year to come.
In the years past, I would spend quite a bit of time deliberating over just the right word. I would brainstorm, research, revise, and then change my mind a few more times after that.
That was not the case this year. In fact, my word came to me so quickly and so easily this year, that I thought to myself this can’t possibly be it. It’s too obvious. It’s too predictable.
But just as quickly as I questioned myself, I reassured myself that it was the perfect word for this year to come, and since deciding on it, I have not had another potential word even enter my mind.
My word of the year for 2020…..
(Drumroll please)……
I mean, seriously??? 2020 vision? Could it really be that easy for a logophile like me?
Yes. Here’s why.
First, I always look at the meaning of a word. And when words have multiple definitions, well, that’s even better.
vision (n):
- the faculty or state of being able to see.
- the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.
- an experience of seeing someone or something in a dream or trance, or as a supernatural apparition.
- a person or sight of unusual beauty.
When we think about vision, we think about more than eyesight. But even in the context of sight, we have personal avenues to explore. What we see is also what we know. For example, in hindsight and foresight, our vision can either be clear or hindered, and the status can greatly affect our personal choices and life decisions.
When we think of a vision in terms of a plan for our future, we imagine. We establish goals. We picture what we plan to do, to become, and to create.
This year was the first time that I spent my New Year’s Eve/Day thinking about the next New Year’s holiday. Most years, I reflect on the past year and what I’d like to remember, what I’d like to forget, and what I learned to never repeat. I also think about the hope that I have for the coming year and all that I have faith it could bring for me.
I have even spent years in the past believing it was all about luck. I’d pray to the powers that be to make the upcoming year better for me and my family than the one that’s ending. “Please let this be my year,” I’d beg. “Please let me finally achieve my dreams this year.” As if there were a magic Wizard behind the curtain deciding what my fate would be and I’d just have to wait to find out the ending.
Well, friends, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. He doesn’t hold our fate.
This year, I closed my eyes and I thought about where I’d like to be on December 31st, New Year’s Eve 2020. And you know what came into my mind?
Yes. A Vision.
It was definitions 2, 3 & 4 all rolled into one beautiful sight. I was able to see myself, where I was, who I was with, and what I was doing. I was even able to see all that had to happen to get me there.
I saw things that I needed to take care of in my health, my home, my family, my business, and my relationships. I saw the processes, the directions, and the results. And you know what I knew? That in that moment, I was happy. I could see my dreams coming into fruition almost as a premonition with a list of specific instructions on how to get there.
I could see major changes in my business that not only excited me but so clearly connected the dots of all the little disorganized orbs that have floated around my head over the past year. I tried to do too many different things that I love and spread myself too thin without much real progress. And now it was like one thousand puzzle pieces just magically came together and fit together to make one perfect complete image that I had never thought of before. And when I saw it, all I could say was, “YES! Of course. How did I not see it before?”
So there you have it. I’ve shared my word and soon, over time, you will all see that I’ll share my vision of the person I’m continuing to become and nurture.
I’d love to hear your word, and if you’re feeling especially lost, I’d love to help you develop a roadmap for your own vision for the upcoming year. You can schedule a free call with me at morphosismentor.com/roadmap during the month of January.
If you’re interested in reading about my previous words… go here for 2019’s word, and here for 2018’s word.