The Voice of Hope Book Available Now!

Don't miss your autographed copy of Laurie's newest book, The Voice of Hope: Inspiring Untold Stories for Caregivers, an invaluable tool for caregivers who seek to reduce the stress that comes with caring for an ill or disabled loved one while building a business.

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Life is Hard. We shouldn't have to do it all alone.

Life is like a bowl of cherries, a box of chocolates, a roller coaster... We've all heard the clichés about the ups and downs we are all supposed to experience in life. But why should we spend more time in the downs than is necessary? When we are properly equipped for the struggles, challenges and obstacles we will inevitably face in life, we find ourselves in a position of power and control over our own happiness and growth.

Life isn't meant to be easy, but it's meant to be lived.

We grow with strength and knowledge when we overcome life's challenges, and it makes the moments where everything feels amazing much more enjoyable and much more abundant in our lives.

So what do you have to gain by working with a mentor through this process?.

The advantages you will gain from working with a Professional Life Coach include:

  • Clarity about what you want out of life, why you want it and how you can get it.
  • Bridging the gap between where you are now and where you would like to be.
  • Strategies & Techniques which encourage you to reach your goals faster.
  • Conquer obstacles, low self-confidence and insecurities.
  • Explore and evaluate all possible options available.
  • Dedicated time, support, encouragement and motivation.

Can you imagine your life like this?

My FREE Gift to You... The 5 First Steps to Becoming Your Own Hero

Download my own 5 personal secrets that you can begin using immediately to transform your life.


Hi, my name is Laurie, and I’m so happy you’re here!

The truth is, I spent way too many years of my life seeking love and happiness from other people, but never finding it within myself.

I gave the power of my own happiness to other people by relying on them to “make me happy.”

Then one day I had a lightbulb moment and realized I was in control of my own happiness. Go figure! I learned the best way to get there was to let go of the “baggage” that was keeping me stuck in life and learn how to truly love myself for who I am… flaws and all.

The single act of loving myself changed everything in my life… my relationships with others, my career, my health and even my finances.

I didn’t do it alone. I had the help of a Professional Coach who guided and supported me along the way and I quickly realized my passion to do the same thing for others.

I’m confident that if you are ready to start the journey, I can help you finish it. Begin living the life you deserve today.

Are you with me?

From The Blog

What My Self-Empowered Clients Say

  • I didn't even know I needed a life coach until I worked with Laurie. Now I don't know how I survived without one. I thought I only needed help in one area, and ended up exploring almost every area of my life! I don't know if I would have ever made it without her guidance and support! I feel like I finally have the life balance I was looking for. And a what a cool coincidence that we are both moms to twins!

    Felicity R. New Mom to Twin Boys
  • I found Laurie to be empathetic and compassionate, and immediately easy to talk to. I like that she guided me to find my answers within myself, even though I didn't know they were there yet. I will definitely be back and refer others. Thank you so much!

    Tanya M. Yoga Instructor

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